Thursday, December 1, 2011

Computer Networks: A Top-Down Approach

ISBN: 9781259001567
Pages: 960
Price: Rs.495/-

Behrouz A ForouzanDeAnza College
Firouz MosharrafRio Hondo College

Salient Features

  • Top-Down Approach: This book approaches how application-layer protocol exchange messages before learning how these messages are actually broken into bits and signals and physically carried through the internet
  • Visual Approach: The book presents highly technical subject matter without complex formulas by using a balance of text and figures
  • Simulation Experiments demonstrate network concepts and packet flow. Each hipster includes Java applets and lab assignments that mirror examples in the text

Table of Contents

1.    Introduction
2.    Application Layer
3.    Transport Layer
4.    Network Layer
5.    Data Link Layer and Wire Networks
6.    Wireless Networks and Mobile IP
7.    Physical Layer and Transmission Media
8.    Multimedia
9.    Network Management
10.  Network Security
11.  Socket-Interface Programming in Java

Please find attached letter of same.

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Best Regards,

Maunish H Pandya                                                                                                
Sr. Territory Sales Manager,
Science, Engineering and Math’s Division,
Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt.Ltd,