Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Book Announcement: Davis--Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2e (Indian Reprint)

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Science, Engineering & Mathematics 
Principles  of  Environmental  Engineering  and  Science  by  Mackenzie  Davis  and  Susan 
Marten in intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore-or  
junior - level students.

The emphasis of  this text  is on  the principles that guide decision making in environmental 
engineering. The concept of mass balance extends throughout the text as a tool for problem 
solving, and the text boasts extensive coverage of chemistry, biology, and hydrology. Principles’ 
chemistry and biology reviews, along with the coverage of ethics, will aid students in gaining a 
better understanding of the engineering and science topics presented in the book.


A Focus on concepts and definitions with abundant illustrations and examples. Scientific principles are emphasized and design aspects are discussed in abbreviated form, freeing the                student to focus on environmental applications.

A  new  chapter  on  biology.  The  biology  review  provides  students  with  a  review  of  the biological concepts relevant to environmental engineers and environmental scientists.

Chemistry review chapter. The overview of chemistry principles reinforces students’ skill set as they begin to tackle environmental engineering and science problems.

Mass  balance  as  a  tool  for  problem  solving.  This  theme  motivates  much  of  the  text            discussion and ties together a variety of subject areas, for example, hydrology, soil, water quality, and waste audits, to name a few.

Chapters  on  ecosystems,  sustainable  energy,  geological,  and  soil  resources,  and  risk                            perception,  assessment,  and  management.  These  topics  are  of  crucial  importance  to            environmental  engineering,  science,  and  related  disciplines.  Principles’  coverage  here  is unparalleled.

Case studies that aid student learning. The case studies provide the student with examples that demonstrate one or more of the principles in a real-life setting.


Chapter on Biology
Case Studies.
Updated science and technology discussion to reflect latest trends.
Increased number of problems at the end of each chapter.
ISBN: 9781259098499  I  Pages: 800 I  Price: Rs. 599.00 
Table of Contents
McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited
B-4, Sector-63, NOIDA
Phone: 0120-4383400
 Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2e 
(Indian Reprint Edition)
Primary Market -    Undergraduate students of Civil Engineering.
Mackenzie L. Davis 
Michigan U-East Lansing
Susan J. Masten 
 McMaster University

1 Introduction 
2 Chemistry 
3 Biology 
4 Materials and Energy Balances 
5 Ecosystems 
6 Risk Perception, Assessment and Management 
7 Hydrology 
8 Sustainable Energy, Mineral and Soil Resources 
9 Water Quality Management 
10 Water Treatment 
11 Wastewater Treatment 
12 Air Pollution 
13 Solid Waste Management 
14 Hazardous Waste Management 
15 Noise Pollution 
16 Ionizing Radiation 
Appendix A: Properties of Air, Water, and Selected Chemicals
Further resources that support the text are also available on the website at: 

Offers   resources   for instructors  and  students  including  Animations, Interactive links, Glossary, AccessScience, and  instructor’s solution Manual.

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