4 Ed i t i
o n
David Rock, University of Mississippi, USA and Douglas K.
Brumbaugh, University of Central Florida, USA
ISBN: 9780415520492 (PB)
Original Price : 45.99 Pound
Indian Price: 495
Pages: 360
Size: 6.75" x 9.5"
About the Book:
Solidly grounded in up-to-date research, theory and technology, Teaching
Secondary Mathematics is a practical, student-friendly, and popular text for
secondary mathematics methods courses. It provides clear and useful approaches
for mathematics teachers, and shows how concepts typically found in a secondary
mathematics curriculum can be taught in a positive and encouraging way. The
thoroughly revised fourth edition combines this pragmatic approach with truly
innovative and integrated technology content throughout. Synthesized content between the book and comprehensive
companion website offers expanded discussion of chapter topics, additional
examples and technological tips. Each chapter features tried-and-tested
pedagogical techniques, problem solving challenges, discussion points,
activities, mathematical challenges, and student-life based
applications that will encourage students to think and do. New to the
4th edition:
• A fully revised and
updated chapter on technological advancements in the teaching of mathematics
• Connections to
both the updated NCTM Focal Points as well as the new Common Core State
are well-integrated throughout the text
• Problem solving
challenges and sticky questions featured in each chapter to encourage students
to think
through everyday issues and possible solutions.
• A fresh interior
design to better highlight pedagogical elements and key features
• A companion website with
chapter-by-chapter video lessons, teacher tools, problem solving Q&As,
helpful links and resources, and embedded graphing
8. Proof
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Learning Theory, Curriculum, and Assessment
Planning Chapter
Skills in Teaching Mathematics
Problem Solving
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
General Mathematics
Algebra I Geometry
Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry
Probability and Statistic
About the Authors:
David Rock is Dean of the School of Education at the University of
Mississippi, USA.
Douglas K. Brumbaugh was Professor of Mathematics
Education at the University of Central Florida, USA.
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