Title: Physics
ISBN: 9788131790090
Price: Rs. 675/-
Authors: Marcelo Alonso | Edward Finn
UG students of Physics
About the book
Physics by Marcelo Alonso and Edward Finn approaches the subject of physics from a contemporary viewpoint, integrating the Newtonian, relativistic and quantum descriptions of nature. The text covers all the traditional topics of physics with greater emphasis on the conservation laws, the concepts of field and waves, and the atomic view of matter.
· The special theory of relativity is used throughout the book as one of the guiding principles
· Analysis of physical phenomena is integrated, presenting physics as a unifying science
· Assumes knowledge of, and makes heavy use of integral calculus, unit vectors and vectors in three dimensions
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. The structure of matter
3. Measurement and units
4. Rectilinear motion
5. Curvilinear motion
6. Circulation motion
7. Force and momentum
8. Application of the laws of motion
9. Torque and angular momentum
10. Work and energy
11. Oscillatory motion
12. Gravitational interaction
13. Space exploration
14. Systems of particles I: Linear and angular motion
15. Systems of particles II: Energy
16. Gases
17. Thermodynamics
18. Statistical mechanics
19. Transport phenomena
20. The principle of relativity
21. High energy processes
22. Electric interaction
23. Magnetic interaction
24. Electric structure of matter
25. Electric currents
26. The electric field
27. The magnetic field
28. The electromagnetic field
29. Wave motion
30. Electromagnetic waves
31. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter: Photons
32. Radiative transitions
33. Reflection, refraction and polarization
34. Wave geometry
35. Interference
36. Diffraction
37. Quantum mechanics
38. Quantum mechanics: applications
39. Atoms, molecules and solids
40. Nuclear structure
41. Nuclear processes
42. The ultimate structure of matter
About the authors
Marcelo Alonso, Florida Institute of Technology
Edward Finn, University of Washington
Naresh Sharma
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