Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pearson-NEWBOOK-Dumas: Principles of Computer Networks and Communications, 1/e

Title: Principles of Computer Networks and Communications, 1/e
ISBN: 9788131790625
Price: Rs. 515/-
Authors: M. Barry Dumas | Morris Schwartz


UG & PG students of Computer Science, IT, MCA

About the book

Principles of Computer Networks and Communications provides a blend of foundation material and historical context that follows a developmental approach to understanding networking and communications technology. Following a discourse that keeps the students needs squarely in mind, M. Barry Dumas and Morris Schwartz create a text that allows the student to develop a comprehension of the subject matter and an overall appreciation for the telecommunications field. This book takes a historical approach to information systems, showing students how technologies have built upon each other so they have an appreciation of how and why current technologies exist.


  • Engaging the Student with Historical Evolution - Since technologies do not arise spontaneously, the authors note how this field developed in response to a variety of pressures and thereby, how each step led to the next
  • Capturing Concepts Case Studies - On-Going Business Case - A running case study featuring a fictitious company called Metropolitan Outpatient Services, Inc. encourage students to see how the technologies talked about in each chapter are applied to a realistic company, providing a continuity that will aid in understanding key concepts
  • Stand-Alone Cases – Beginning in Chapter 9, independent case studies are presented, dealing with the application of networking and communication technologies that relate to chapter concepts

Table of Contents

1.       Introduction
2.       The modern signal carriers: electricity, light, media, and impairments
3.       Signal fundamentals
4.       Encoding: representing information
5.       Error control
6.       Communications connections
7.       Digital communication techniques
8.       Comprehending networks
9.       Local area networks (LANs)
10.   Circuit switching, the telcos, and alternatives
11.   Packet switched wide area networks (WANs)
12.   Internetworking and the Internet
13.   TCP/IP, associated Internet protocols and routing
14.   Wireless networks
15.   Network Security
16.   Network Management
17.   Planning, designing, and implementing a network
18.   The future of network communications


Instructors Manual and PowerPoint Slides

About the author

M Barry Dumas: Baruch CollegeCity University of New York
Morris Schwartz: Baruch CollegeCity University of New York

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